Wednesday is known as “New Comic Day” all over the world and is the favorite day of the week for die hard comic collectors! You will find all the new titles in the back of our store, we have a wall of just released new comics that are new that week, plus a super long wall of recent comics. It is constantly being updated based on new titles coming in! After a title has served its time on the wall, it will be moved into our extensive back issue collection. You will not be disappointed with our selection!
Call us on Wednesday mornings 954-748-0181 if you want to confirm that we have the specific item you are looking for. If you don’t want to miss a title, consider signing up for our discount subscription service! Your comic subscription list will be pulled weekly and will be there waiting for you when you come in!
This Week’s New Comics
Each week our staff puts together a list of notable comics to make sure you don’t miss out on something special!
November 21, 2018
Batman #59; Black Badge #4; Doctor Strange #8; Go-Bots #1; Infinity Wars Ghost Panther #1 . Justice League Dark #5; Shuri #2; Teen Titans #24; Tony Stark Iron Man #6; West Coast Avengers #4
November 14, 2018
Avengers #10; Black Order #1; Catwoman #5; Fantastic Four #3; Firefly #1 . Infinity Wars Infinity Warps #1; Murder Falcon #2; Star Wars Darth Vader #23; Uncanny X-Men #1; The Unstoppable Wasp #2
October 31, 2018
Avengers Halloween Special #1; Batman Secret Files #1; Extermination #4; Heroes in Crisis #2; Infinity Wars Iron Hammer #2 . Justice League Aquaman Drowned Earth #1; Marvel Two in One #11; Nightwing Magilla Gorilla Special #1; Old [...]
October 24, 2018
Amazing Spider-Man #8; Batman Kings of Fear #3; Black Panther Vs. Deadpool #1; Infinity Wars Arach-knight #1; Justice League Odyssey #2 . Old Lady Harley #1; Return of Wolverine #2; Spider-Girls #1; Titans #28; X-Men Black Juggernaut [...]
October 17, 2018
Astonishing X-Men #16; Harley Quinn #52; Infinity War Weapon Hex #1; Justice League #10; Life of Captain Marvel #4 . Marvel Zombie #1; Nightwing #51; Star Wars Darth Vader #22; Thor #6; Unstoppable Wasp #1
October 10, 2018
Avengers #9; Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1; Immortal Hulk #7; Infinity Wars #4; Murder Falcon #1 . Ruin world #4; Star Wars Solo Adaptation #1; True Believers What If Dr. Doom Had become a Hero #1; Wonder Woman [...]
October 3, 2018
Asgardians of the Galaxy #2; Batman The Maxx #1; Death of Inhumans #4; Infinity Wars Sleepwalker #1; Justice League #9 . Paper Girls #25; Star Wars #55; Tony Stark Iron Man #4; Typhoid Fever Spider-Man #1; What [...]
September 26, 2018
Action Comics #1003; Amazing Spider-Man #6; Doomsday Clock #7; Heroes in Crisis #1; Justice League Odyssey #1 . Man-Eaters #1; Rick and Morty Vs. Dungeons and Dragons #2; Spidergeddon #0; WWE NXT Takeover; X-Men Blue #36
September 19, 2018
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1; Captain America Annual #1; Dick Tracy Dead or Alive #1; Doctor Strange #5; ; Harley Quinn #50 . Infinity Wars Soldier Supreme #1; Justice League #8; Multiple Man #4; Return of Wolverine #1; [...]
September 12, 2018
Catwoman #23; Champions #24; Fantastic Four #2; Iceman #1; Infinity Wars #3 . Mystery Science Theater 3000 #1; Old Man Logan #47; Titans #25; Venom First Host #3; WWE NXT Takeover #2
September 5, 2018
Asgardians of the Galaxy #1; Avengers #7; Bully Wars #1; Deadpool #4; Deathstroke #35 . Harley Quinn #49; Immortal Hulk #5; Justice League #7; The Raid #2; Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #2
August 29, 2018
Catwoman Tweety & Sylvester Special #1; Deadpool Assassin #6; Edge of Spider-Geddon #2; Extermination #2; House Amok #1 . Hunt For Wolverine Dead Ends #1; Lex Luthor Porky Pig Special #1; Moon Knight #198; Rick and Morty [...]
August 22, 2018
Avengers #6; Batman Kings of Fear #1; Black Panther #3; Flash #53; Justice League Dark #2 . Life of Captain Marvel #2; Punisher #1; Star Wars Doctor Aphra #23; TMNT Bebop & Rocksteady Hit the Road #4; [...]
August 8, 2018
Amazing Spider-Man #3; Catwoman #2; Daredevil #606; Detective #986; Fantastic Four #1 . Hawkman #3; Spider-Man Deadpool # 37; Star Wars Darth Vader #19; Superman #2; X-Men Blue #33
August 1, 2018
Astonishing X-Men #14; Cosmic Ghost Rider #2; Death of Inhumans #2; Harley Quinn #47; Infinity Wars #1 . Justice League #5; Multiple Man #1; Portal Bound #5; The Raid #1; Spawn #288
July 25, 2018
Action Comics #1001; Amazing Spider-Man #2; Avengers #2; DC Beach Blanket Bad Guys Special #1; Doomsday Clock #6 . Infinity Wars Prime #1; Justice League Dark #1; Star Wars Doctor Aphra #22; Wakanda Forever X-Men #1; X-23 [...]
July 18, 2018
Avengers #5; Hunt For Wolverine Claws of a Killer #3; Infinity Countdown #5; Invader Zim #32; Life of Captain Marvel #1 . Old Man Hawkeye #7; Spider-Gwen #34; Star Wars #51; WWE #19; X-Men Gold #32
July 11, 2018
Deadpool Assassin #3; Domino #4; Exiles #5; Flash #50; Immortal Men #4 . Isola #4; New Mutants Dead Souls #5; Plastic Man #2; Superman #1; X-23 #1
July 4, 2018
Astonishing X-Men #13; Avengers #4; Batman #50; Cosmic Ghost Rider #1; Deadpool #2 . Elvira Mistress of the Dark #1; Immortal Hulk #2; Justice League #3; Spawn #287; Star Wars #50
June 27, 2018
Batman Prelude To The Wedding Harley Quinn Vs. The Joker #1; Black Panther #2; Blackwood #2; Deadpool Assassin #2; Hunt For Wolverine Mystery Madripoor #2 . Marvel Two In One #7; Mera Queen of Atlantis #5; Mighty [...]
June 20, 2018
Amazing Spider-Man #801; Batman #49; Damage #6; Doctor Strange #2; Harley Quinn #44 . Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #28; Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #1; Star Wars Poe Dameron #28; Tony Stark Iron Man #1; X-Men Gold [...]
June 13, 2018
Batman Prelude to the Wedding Batgirl Vs. The Riddler #1; Deadpool Assassin #1; Hawkman #1; New Mutants Dead Souls #4; Plastic Man #1 . Proxima Centauri #1; Star Wars Darth Vader #17; Thor #1; Titans Special #1; [...]
June 6, 2018
Astonishing X-Men #12; Batman Prelude to the Wedding Nightwing vs. Hush #1; Dazzler X Song #1; Doctor Strange #1; Harley Quinn #43 . Hunt for Wolverine Weapon Lost #2; Immortal Hulk #1; Infinity Countdown #4; Isola #3; [...]
May 30, 2018
Amazing Spider-Man #800; Aquaman/Jabberjaw Special #1; Batman Prelude to the Wedding Robin Vs Ras al Ghul #1; Doomsday Clock #4; Jim Henson Labyrinth Coronation #4 . Ms. Marvel #30; Sonic the Hedgehog #5; Supersons/Dynomutt Special #1; The [...]