Wednesday is known as “New Comic Day” all over the world and is the favorite day of the week for die hard comic collectors! You will find all the new titles in the back of our store, we have a wall of just released new comics that are new that week, plus a super long wall of recent comics. It is constantly being updated based on new titles coming in! After a title has served its time on the wall, it will be moved into our extensive back issue collection. You will not be disappointed with our selection!
Call us on Wednesday mornings 954-748-0181 if you want to confirm that we have the specific item you are looking for. If you don’t want to miss a title, consider signing up for our discount subscription service! Your comic subscription list will be pulled weekly and will be there waiting for you when you come in!
This Week’s New Comics
Each week our staff puts together a list of notable comics to make sure you don’t miss out on something special!
November 27, 2019
Avengers #27; Batman Vs. Ras Al Ghul #3; Crow Hark the Herald #1; Dollar Comics Infinite Crisis #1; Fantastic Four Negative Zone #1 . Flash #83; New Mutants #2; Punisher 2099 #1; Scream Curse of Carnage #1; [...]
November 20, 2019
2099 Alpha #1; Annihilation Scourge Alpha #1; Batman Giant #2; Excalibur #2; Fantastic Four 2099 #1 . Flash Forward #3; Glow Vs. The Babyface #1; Infected Scarab #1; Spider-Man #2; Titans Burning Rage #4
November 13, 2019
Battle Pug #3; Black Cat Annual #1; Event Leviathan #6; Fallen Angels #1; Morbius #1 . RWBY #2; Spider-Verse #1; Star Wars Target Vader #5; Tales From the Dark Multiverse Blackest Night #1; X-Men #2
November 6, 2019
B B Free #1; Black Cat #6; Crone #1; Doctor Doom #2; Future Fight Firsts Crescent and 10 #1 . Green Lantern Backstars #1; Infected King Shazam #1; Legion of Super Heroes #1; Spider-Man and Venom Double [...]
October 23, 2019
Amazing Mary Jane #1; Amazing Spider-Man Full Circle #1; Black Adam Year of the Villain #1; Future Fight Firsts Luna Snow #1; Incredible Hulk #1 Facsimile Edition . Sera and Royal Stars #4; Spider-Man Velocity #3; Star [...]
October 16, 2019
Contagion #3; Crazy #1; Flash Forward #2; Inferior Five #2; Marvel Tales Ghost Rider #1 . Savage Sword of Conan #10; Star Wars Adventures Return to Vader’s Castle #3; Strayed #3; True Believers X-Men Jubilee #1; Wonder [...]
October 9, 2019
Amazing Fantasy #15 Facsimile Edition; Batman Giant #1; Battlepug #2; Cobra Kai Karate Kid Saga Continues #1; Future Fight Firsts White Fox #1 . Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy #2; Immortal Hulk Director’s Cut #5; RWBY #1; [...]
October 2, 2019
Batman #251 Facsimile Edition; Contagion #1; DCeased #5; Flash Giant #1; Legion of Super Heroes Millennium #2 . Old Man Quill #10; Punisher #16; Spider-Verse #1; Vengeance of Vampirella #1; Young Justice #9
September 25, 2019
Avengers Loki Unleashed #1; Batman Superman #2; Captain Marvel #8; Ghost Spider #2; Marvel Team-Up #6 . Punisher Kill Crew #3; Shazam #7; Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Dark Temple #2; Wolverine Annual #1; Wonder Woman #79 [...]
September 18, 2019
Aero #3; Black Panther and the Warriors of Wakanda #1; Daredevil #181 Facsimile Edition; Flash Forward #1; Gwenpool Strikes Back #1 . Inferior Five #1; Napoleon Dynamite #1; Once and Future #2; Star Wars Age of Resistance [...]
September 11, 2019
Agents of Atlas #1; Batman Universe #3; Gotham City Monsters #1; Guardians of the Galaxy The Prodigal Sun #1; Invisible Woman #3 . Moon Knight Annual #1; Riddler Year of the Villain #1; Star Wars Age of [...]
September 4, 2019
Alpha Flight True North #1; Batman #181 Facsimile Edition; Battlepug #1; Doomsday Clock #11; Ghost Spider Annual #1 . Immortal Hulk #23; Lois Lane #3; Old Man Quill #9; Star Trek Discovery Aftermath #1; Web of Black [...]
August 28, 2019
Amazing Spider-Man #28; Batman Superman #1; Doctor Mirage #1; Fantastic Four Yancy Street #1; Justice League #30 . Manor Black #2; Marvel Comics #1000; Marvel Monsters #1; Star Wars Age of Resistance General Hux #1; Venom [...]
August 21, 2019
Batman #232 Facsimile Edition; Black Mask Year of the Villain #1; Deadpool Annual #1; Ghost-Spider #1; Marvel Tales X-Men #1 . Star Wars Doctor Aphra #35; Tony Stark Iron Man #15; Trout Hollowest Knock #3; Valkyrie Jane [...]
August 14, 2019
Age of Conan Valeria #1; Batman Universe #2; Doctor Who 13th #11; Event Leviathan #3; Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #10 . Immortal Hulk Director’s Cut #1; Invisible Woman #1; Loki #2; Once and Future #1; Silver Surfer Prodigal [...]
August 7, 2019
Absolute Carnage #1; Agents of Atlas #1; Black Cat #3; DCeased #4; House of X #2 . Invisible Woman #2; Lois Lane #2; Major X #0; Sensational Spider-Man Self Improvement #1; Superman Up in the Sky #2 [...]
July 24, 2019
Archie Vs. Predator II #1; Batman Curse of the White Knight #1; Dial H For Hero #5; History of Marvel Universe #1; Marvel Comics Presents #6 . PSI-Lords #2; Rolled and Told #11; Secret Warps Arachknight Annual [...]
July 17, 2019
Batman #75; Deadpool #15; Fair Lady #4; Invader Zim #45; Jimmy Olsen #1 . Punisher Annual #1; Ragnarok Breaking of Helheim #1; Secret Warps Ghost Panther Annual #1; Spider-Man Life Story #5; X-Force #10
July 10, 2019
Amazing Spider-Man #25; Batman Universe #1; Black Cat #2; Event Leviathan #2; Fallen World #3 . Invisible Woman #1; Savage Sword of Conan #7; Secret Warps Weapon Hex Annual #1; Star Wars #68; Venom #16
July 3, 2019
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #6; Captain America Invaders Bahama Triangle #1; Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #5; DCeased #3; Fantastic Four The Prodigal Son #1 . Immortal Hulk #20; Lois Lane #1; New Mutants #98 Facsimile [...]
June 26, 2019
Avengers #20; Conan the Barbarian #7; Detective Comics #1006; Fantastic Four #11; Glow #3 . Invader Zim #44; Major X #6; Samurai Grandpa #1; Spider-Man Annual #1; Star Wars Age of Rebellion Darth Vader #1
June 19, 2019
Aquaman #49; Captain America #11; Deadpool #14; Go Go Power Rangers Forever Rangers #1; Howard the Duck #1 Facsimile Edition . Marvels Annotated #4; PSI - Lords #1; Savage Sword of Conan #6; Uncanny X-Men #17; Usagi [...]