Wednesday is known as “New Comic Day” all over the world and is the favorite day of the week for die hard comic collectors! You will find all the new titles in the back of our store, we have a wall of just released new comics that are new that week, plus a super long wall of recent comics. It is constantly being updated based on new titles coming in! After a title has served its time on the wall, it will be moved into our extensive back issue collection. You will not be disappointed with our selection!
Call us on Wednesday mornings 954-748-0181 if you want to confirm that we have the specific item you are looking for. If you don’t want to miss a title, consider signing up for our discount subscription service! Your comic subscription list will be pulled weekly and will be there waiting for you when you come in!
This Week’s New Comics
Each week our staff puts together a list of notable comics to make sure you don’t miss out on something special!
December 14, 2016
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #2; Batman TMNT Adventures #2; Doctor Strange Punisher Magic Bullets; Flash #12; Foolkiller #2 . Inhumans Vs X-Men #1; Jessica Jones #3; Mosaic #3; Star Wars Poe Dameron #9; Suicide Squad #8 [...]
December 7, 2016
Avengers #2; Batman #12; Champions #3; Clone Conspiracy #3; Deadpool #23 . The Flinstones #6; Green Lanterns #12; Jim Henson Storyteller Giants #1; Josie and the Pussycats #3; Scarlet Witch #13
November 30, 2016
Batman Annual #1; Black Widow #8; Guardians Of The Galaxy #14; Invader Zim #15; Inhumans Vs. X-Men #0 . Justice League of America #10; MASK Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #1; Now Ghost Rider #1; Old Man Logan [...]
November 16, 2016
Amazing Spider-Man #21; Batman #11; Briggs Land #4; He-Man Thundercats #2; Infamous Iron Man #2 . Jessica Jones #2; Now Squadron Supreme #13; Old Man Logan #13; Suicide Squad #6; Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #14
November 9, 2016
All Star Batman #4; Betty & Veronica #2; Batman TMNT Adventures #1; Clone Conspiracy #2; Flash #10 . Green Valley #1; Now Black Panther World of Wakanda #1; Spider-Man Deadpool #11; Star Wars Poe Dameron #8; WWE [...]
November 2, 2016
Batman #10; Champions #2; Death Of X #3; Disney’s Frozen #2; Green Lanterns #10 . Josie & The Pussycats #2; Moon Knight #8; Now Foolkiller #1; Now Occupy Avengers #1; Spidey #12
October 26, 2016
Action #966; All New All Different Avengers #15; Blue Beetle #2; Civil War #6; Doctor Strange Mystic Apprentice #1 . Future Quest #6; Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #7; Jughead #10; Punisher Annual #1; Serenity [...]
October 19, 2016
A-Force #10; Amazing Spider-Man #20; Batman #9; Dark Knight III Master Race #6; Harley Quinn #6 . Now Infamous Iron Man #1; Spider-Gwen #13; Superman #9; Uncanny Inhumans #14; Wacky Raceland #5
October 5, 2016
All New Wolverine #13; Amazing Spider-Man #19; Batman #8; Deadpool Back In Black #1; Green Valley #1 . Invincible Iron Man #14; Nightwing #6; Now Doctor Strange #10; Now Jessica Jones #1; Squadron Supreme #12
September 28, 2016
Action Comics #964; Batman Beyond -Rebirth #1; Blue Beetle - Rebirth #1; Captain America Steve Rogers #5; Deadpool Annual #1 . Doctor Strange Annual #1; Flash #7; Josie & The Pussycats #1; Snotgirl #3; Wonder Woman #7 [...]
September 21, 2016
Amazing Spider-Man #18; Aquaman #7; Black Hammer #3; Civil War II #5; Deadpool Vs Gambit #5 . Harley Quinn #4; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #7; ROM #3; Uncanny X-Men #13; Weird Detective #4
September 14, 2016
A-Force #9; All New Inhumans #11; All New X-Men; Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #2; Black Panther #6 . Deadpool #18; Gwenpool #6; Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #4; Power Rangers Pink #3; Spider-Man [...]
September 7, 2016
Invincible Iron Man #13; Marvel Tsum Tsum #2; Paper Girls #9; Spidey #10; Star Wars - Poe Dameron #6 . All New All Different Avengers #14; Batman #6; Daredevil #11; Doctor Strange #11; Godzilla Rage Across #1 [...]
August 24, 2016
Civil War II : Ulysses #1; Batgirl - Rebirth #2; Extraordinary X-Men #13; Harley’s Little Black Book #4; Invincible #130 . Lake Of Fire #1; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2016 Annual #1; Sixpack And Dogwelder #1; Snotgirl [...]
August 17, 2016
All-New Wolverine #11; Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey - Rebirth #1; Briggs Land #1; Civil War II Choosing Sides #4; Demonic #1 . The Fallen #1; The Mighty Thor #10; Spawn Kills Everyone #1; Supergirl - [...]
August 10, 2016
The Accused - Civil War II #1; All-Star Batman - Rebirth; The Amazing Spider-Man #16; The Black Monday Murders #1; Deathstroke - Rebirth #1 . The Flintstones #2; Labyrinth 30th Anniversary Special #1; Red Hood And The [...]
August 3, 2016
The Adventures of Agusta Wind #1; Batman - Rebirth #4; Civil War II Kingpin #2; Daredevil Annual #1; Harley Quinn - Rebirth #1 . Invincible Iron Man Civil War II #12; Kill Or Be Killed #1; Moon [...]
July 27, 2016
Dark Souls #3; Future Quest #3; Mechanism #1; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Pink #2; Titans - Rebirth #1 . All New All Different Avengers #12; Batgirl - Rebirth #1; Captain America Steve Rogers #3; Civil War II [...]
July 13, 2016
All New X-Men #11; Civil War II #3; Con Man Spectrum #1; Detective Comics #936; Horizon #1 . Millarworld Annual 2016; New Super-Man - Rebirth #1; Nightwing - Rebirth #1; Old Man Logan #8; Rick and Morty [...]
July 6, 2016
Kim And Kim #1; Moon Knight #4; Superman #2; Throwaways #1; The Walking Dead #156 . The Amazing Spider-Man #15; Aquaman #2; Civil War II : Kingpin #1; The Flintstones #1; Justice League - Rebirth #1
June 29, 2016
Jupiter’s Legacy 2 #1; Dark Knight III #5; Captain America Steve Rogers #2; Black Panther #3; Jade Street Protection Services #1 . Uncanny X-Men #9; Spider-Man / Deadpool #6; Spider-Man #5; Rick And Morty #15; Penny Dreadful [...]
June 22, 2016
Aquaman - Rebirth #1; Captain America Sam Wilson #10; Civil War II Choosing Sides #1; Deadpool V Gambit #1; Detective - Rebirth #935 . Flash - Rebirth #1; The Unbelievable Gwenpool #3; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #4; [...]
June 15, 2016
The Amazing Spider-Man #14; Batman - Rebirth #1; Black Panther #2; Dark Knight Returns The Last Crusade One Shot; Green Arrow - Rebirth #1 . Low #14; Spider Gwen #9; Star Wars Han Solo #1; Titans - [...]
June 8, 2016
Action Comics - Rebirth #957; All New X-Men #10; Aquaman - Rebirth #1; Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #1; Detective - Rebirth #934 . Empress #3; Flash - Rebirth #1; Merry Men #1; Wacky Raceland #1; Wonder [...]