22 05, 2019 This week’s notable new comics! 5/22/19 release. Serena2023-01-13T15:56:34+00:00May 22, 2019|Categories: Notable and New Comics|Tags: Action, Action Comics, anime, Asgardians of the Galaxy, Batgirl, batman, Batman Detective, Boom Studios, broward, comic, comic book, comics, dc, DC Comics, DC Universe, Detective, Detective Comics, florida, Invader Zim, Iron Man, Jabba, Jabba The Hut, Land of the Giants, Lauderhill, Manga, marvel, marvel comics, Marvel Comics Presents, new comic day, new comics, Robert, Salacious Crumb, Shuri, south florida, star wars, Star Wars Age of Rebellion, superman, Tate, Tate Comic, tate's comics, tates, Tony Stark, Tony Stark Iron Man, Toy Store, toys, Venom, Vince, War of the Realms, War of the Realms Strikeforce, War of the realms strikeforce land of the giants, Wednesday| Action #1011; Asgardians of the Galaxy #9; Batgirl #35; [...]
21 11, 2018 This week’s notable new comics! 11/21/18 release. Serena2023-01-13T15:54:07+00:00November 21, 2018|Categories: Notable and New Comics|Tags: anime, Avengers, batman, Black Badge, Black Panther, Boom, Boom Studios, broward, comic, comic book, comics, dc, DC Comics, Doctor Strange, dr strange, florida, Ghost Panther, Go-Bots, Infinity Wars, Infinity Wars Ghost Panther, Iron Man, Justice League, Justice League Dark, Lauderhill, Manga, marvel, marvel comics, new comic book day, new comic books, new comics, Shuri, south florida, spider force, spider-man, spiderman, Tate, Tate Comic, tate's comics, tates, Teen Titans, Tony Stark, Tony Stark Iron Man, Toy Store, toys, Vince, west coast avengers| Batman #59; Black Badge #4; Doctor Strange #8; Go-Bots [...]