Wednesday is known as “New Comic Day” all over the world and is the favorite day of the week for die hard comic collectors! You will find all the new titles in the back of our store, we have a wall of just released new comics that are new that week, plus a super long wall of recent comics. It is constantly being updated based on new titles coming in! After a title has served its time on the wall, it will be moved into our extensive back issue collection. You will not be disappointed with our selection!
Call us on Wednesday mornings 954-748-0181 if you want to confirm that we have the specific item you are looking for. If you don’t want to miss a title, consider signing up for our discount subscription service! Your comic subscription list will be pulled weekly and will be there waiting for you when you come in!
This Week’s New Comics
Each week our staff puts together a list of notable comics to make sure you don’t miss out on something special!
August 19, 2020
Batman #97; Cable #3; Captain Marvel #20; Excalibur #11; Maestro #1 . Ninjas and Robots #1; Once and Future #10; Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn #1; Star #4; Thor #6
August 12, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man #46; Big Girls #1; Captain Marvel #19; Empyre #5; Ghost Spider #9 . Immortal Hulk #36; Marauders #11; Star Wars Darth Vader #2; Venom #27; X-Force #11
August 5, 2020
Alien Original Screenplay #1; Batman #96; The Crow Lethe #2; DCeased Dead Planet #2; Empyre #4 . Fire Power #1; Maestro Future Imperfect Marvel Tales #1; My Little pony Transformers #1; Star Wars Bounty Hunters #1 2nd [...]
July 22, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man Sins Rising Prelude #1 Batman #95; Batman Beyond #45; Empyre Avengers #1; Joker/Harley Criminal Sanity Secret Files . Hellions #2; Lords of Empyre Emperor Hulkling #1;New Mutants #11; Wolverine #3; X-Men Fantastic Four #4
July 15, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man #44; Captain Marvel #17; Dark Nights Death Metal #2; Empyre #1; Giant Size X-Men Magneto #1 . Immortal Hulk #35; Once and Future #9; Strange Adventures #3; Strikeforce #8; Venom #26
July 8, 2020
Adventure Man #2; Batman #94; Detective #1023; Dr. Strange #5; Empyre Fantastic Four #0 . Ghost Rider #7; Sabrina Something Wicked #2; Stranger Things Into The Fire #4; Superman #23; X-Force #10
July 1, 2020
Killing Red Sonja #2; King of Nowhere #3; Marvel Action Classics Avengers Starring Iron Man #1Nailbiter Returns #2; Nightmare Before Christmas Zero’s Journey #0 . Olympia #5; Ronin Island #12; Sailor Moon Eternal Edition Volume 8 softcover; [...]
June 24, 2020
Captain America Marvels Snapshots #1; Empyre Avengers #0; Gren Lantern 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Special #1; Immortal Hulk #34; Once and Future #8 . Rick and Morty Presents Council of Ricks #1; Star Wars Bounty Hunters [...]
March 18, 2020
2020 Iron Age #1; Bad Reception #4; DCeased Unkillables #2; Ghost-Spider #8; Invader Zim #50 . Morbius #5; Outlawed #1; The Resistance #1; Starship Down #1; Valkyrie Jane Foster #9
March 11, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man #41; Cable #1; Detective Comics #38 Facsimile Edition; Ghost Rider #6; Gwen Stacy #2 . Jim Henson Storyteller Ghosts #1; The Man Who Effed Up Time #2; Nebula #2; Symbiotic Spider-Man Alien Reality #4; X-Men [...]
March 4, 2020
Birthright #42; Dark Agnes #2; Doctor Doom #6; Excalibur #8; Harley Quinn #71 . King of Nowhere #1; Marauders #9; Savage Avengers #11; Spider-Man Noir #1; Strange Adventures #1
February 26, 2020
2020 Force Works #1; Amethyst #1; Avengers of the Wasteland #2; Falcon & Winter Soldier #1; Fantastic Four Grimm Noir #1 . Giant Size X-Men Jean Grey and Emma Frost #1; Hidden Society #1; Leviathan Dawn #1; [...]
February 19, 2020
2020 Machine Man #1; Bang #1; DCeased Unkillables #1; Ghost Spider #7; Guardian of the Galaxy #2 . Invader Zim #49; Marvel Voices #1; Transformers #17; Valkyrie Jane Foster #1; Wonder Woman Giant #3
February 12, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man #39; Blackwood Mourning After #1; The Clock #2; Dr. Strange #3; Green Lantern Season 2 #1 . Gwen Stacy #1; Hawkeye Free Fall #3; Iron Man 2020 #2; Rising Sun #2; Tartaurus #1
February 5, 2020
Aggretsuko #1; Ant Man #1; Captain America The End #1; Dark Agnes #1; DC Crimes of Passion #1 . Immortal Hulk Great Power #1; The Man Who Effed Up Time #1; Predator Hunters III #1; Star Wars [...]
January 29, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man Daily Bugle #1; Avengers of the Wasteland #1; Captain Marvel The End #1; Hawkeye Free Fall #2; Jessica Jones Blind Spot #2 . New Mutants #6; Quantum and Woody #1; Ravencroft #1; Star Wars #2; [...]
January 22, 2020
Atlantis Attacks #1; Batgirl #43; Conan Serpent War #4; Ghostbusters Year One #1; Guardians of the Galaxy #1 . Marauders #6; Red Sonja Age of Chaos #1; Ruins of Ravencroft Dracula #1; Wonder Twins #11; Year of [...]
January 15, 2020
Batman’s Grave #4; Detective Comics #359 Facsimile Edition; Flash #86; Glow Vs. The Babyface #3; Iron Man 2020 #1 . Jessica Jones Blind Spot #1; Legion of Super Heroes #3; Marvel Tales Ravencroft #1; Revenge of Cosmic [...]
January 8, 2020
Aquaman Giant #2; Black Cat #8; The Clock #1; Harley and Poison Ivy #5; Marvels X #1 . Star #1; Star Wars Rise Kylo Ren #2; Strangers Things Into Fire #1; X-Men #2; Young Justice #12
January 1, 2020
Action Comics #1018; Daredevil #16; Doctor Doom #4; Hawkeye Freefall #1; Justice League Dark #18 . Marauders #5; Spider-Man and Venom Double Trouble #3; Star Wars #1; Tarot #1; Thor #1
December 26, 2019
Bettie Page Unbound #8; Dial H For Hero Vol. 1 Enter The Heroverse TP; Dr. Strange #1; East of West #45; Incoming #1 . Kill Lock #1; Red Sonja Vampirella Betty and Veronica #7; Sonic the Hedgehog [...]
December 18, 2019
2099 Omega #1; Doomsday Clock #2; Eternals Secrets From the Marvel Universe #1; Folklords #2; Infected The Commissioner #1 . Narcos #1; Spider-Man #3; Star Wars Empire Ascendant #1; Wonder Woman Giant #2; Year of the Villain [...]
December 11, 2019
Annihilation Scourge Silver Surfer #1; Batman's Grave #3; Battlepug #4; Doom 2099 #1; Harley Quinn Villain of the Year #1 . Marvel Avengers Iron Man #1; Morbius #2; Red Mother #1; Spider-Man 2099 #1; X-Force #3
December 4, 2019
Batman Universe #6; Black Cat #7; Ghost Rider 2099 #1; Infected Deathbringer #1; Marauders #3 . New Years Evil #1; Old Man Quill #12; Savage Avengers #8; Thor Worthy #1; Venom 2099 #1