10 10, 2018 This week’s notable new comics! 10/10/18 release. Serena2023-01-13T15:53:31+00:00October 10, 2018|Categories: Notable and New Comics|Tags: anime, Avengers, broward, Captain America, comic, comic book, comics, Cursed Comics Cavalcade, dc, DC Comics, DC Universe, doctor doom, dr doom, florida, Han Solo, hulk, Image, Imagge Comics, Infinity Wars, kaboom, Kaboom Comics, Lauderhill, Manga, marvel, Marvel Cmoics, Marvel True Believers, Marvel Universe, Mojo, Murder Falcon, new comic day, new comics, Ruin World, Ruinworld, Solo, south florida, star wars, Star Wars Solo, Tate, Tate Comic, tate's comics, tates, The Immortal Hulk, Toy Store, toys, True Believers, Vito, Wednesday, What If Dr Doom Had Become a Hero, What if?, wonder woman, X-men Black, XMEN, xmen Black, xmen black mojo| Avengers #9; Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1; Immortal Hulk #7; [...]
3 10, 2018 This week’s notable new comics! 10/3/18 release. Serena2023-01-13T15:53:26+00:00October 3, 2018|Categories: Notable and New Comics|Tags: anime, Asgardians of the Galaxy, batman, Batman the Maxx, broward, comic, comic book, comics, dc, DC Comics, DC Universe, Deadpool, Death of Inhumans, florida, Guardians of the galaxy, IDW, IDW Comics, IDW Publishing, Image, Image Comics, Infinity Wars, Infinity Wars Sleepwalker, Inhumans, Iron Man, Justice League, Lauderhill, Manga, marvel, marvel comics, new comic day, new comics, Paper Girls, south florida, spider-man, spiderman, star wars, Tate, Tate Comic, tate's comics, tates, the Maxx, Tony Stark, Tony Stark Iron Man, Toy Store, toys, Typhoid Fever Spider-Man, Typhoid Fever Spiderman, Wednesday, what if xmen, What if?, What If? X-men, X-Men, XMEN| Asgardians of the Galaxy #2; Batman The Maxx #1; [...]