28 03, 2018 This week’s notable new comics! 3/28/18 release. Serena2023-01-13T15:37:00+00:00March 28, 2018|Categories: Notable and New Comics|Tags: anime, Black Panther, broward, Captain America, champions, comic, comic book, comics, dakine, Dark Nights, Dark Nights Metal, DC Comics, DC Dark Nights Metal, DC Universe, Doomsday Clock, Flash, florida, Hawkeye, Jim Henson, Jim Hensons Labyrinth, Labyrinth, Labyrinth Coronation, Lauderhill, Manga, marvel, marvel comics, Marvel Legacy, Moon Knight, new comic day, new comics, Old Man Hawkeye, south florida, Tate, Tate Comic, tate's comics, tates, Terrifics, The Flash, Toy Store, toys, Wolverine, X-Men, x-men blue, XMEN| Black Panther #171; Champions #18; Dark Nights Metal #6; [...]