Saturday, October 14, 2017; 10am-8pm
Sunday, October 15, 2017; 10am-5pm
Event location:
Parking lot out front & inside of TATE’S Main Headquarters in Lauderhill
(+ to a lesser degree inside at TATE’s North)
Link to Flyer
Flickr photo archive of this event!
• Comics 3 for $1 or 50¢ each
• Fill up an entire longbox with comics for only $45! Fill a shortbox for $30!
• Graphic Novels 2 for $10 or $6 each
• Books 2 for $10 or $6 each
• Manga $3 each
• Magazines 3 for $1 or 50¢ each
• Toys and Action Figures 2 for $10 or $6 each
• T-Shirts 3 for $25 or $10 each
• DVDs 3 for $10 or $5 each
+ huge discounts on high-ticket statues, vinyl toys & more!!
INSIDE THE STORE (Lauderhill & Boynton Beach)
• All our back issue comics 50% OFF
• Everything else inside the store 10% OFF
The extra fun stuff! (Lauderhill Only)
All weekend:
• Spin our prize wheel and snag some free Stranger-swag
• KIDS, visit the upsidedown in our Bounce House!
• Take a photo with our harmless Demogorgon!
• Hungry? Enjoy a snack at the 3KB Lunchroom!
And as always… FREE Souvenir Buttons while they last!
All weekend 11am-4pm:
Enjoy FREE shirt printing* of our exclusive commemorative designs by The Fine Print Shoppe! See the exclusive designs below!
*The printing is totally FREE on your own blank shirts! Bring ‘em! We will also have a limited supply of blanks for sale cheap!
Sunday, October 15th from 12noon-4pm:
Join us at our Gaming Satellite for a special Dungeons & Dragons Encounter! Learn to play this epic game!
We will have friendly Dungeon Master’s on hand to introduce you to this fun world!
Check out the three new shirt designs that will be available only this weekend during our big sale! They are screen printed FREE when you bring your own blank to print on. It can be a tee, a tank, a pillowcase, a sweatshirt! Anything!

Illustration by Danielle Estefan

Printed in White Ink

Printed in Red Ink