In-Store Signing with artist Georges Jeanty
Wednesday, October 26 from 7-8:30pm
Event location: TATE’S Main Headquarters in Lauderhill
Artist Georges Jeanty will be joining us here at Tate’s Comics HQ, signing his latest creation in the Whedonverse! Georges artwork on Buffy and Serenity from Dark Horse Comics has always been exceptional. He has also worked on X-Men, Batman, Deadpool, and other big names, as well. This is something you do not want to miss!
New Serenity title releasing the day of the signing!
SERENITY: NO POWER IN THE ‘VERSE #1 from Dark Horse Comics
Chris Roberson Writer / Georges Jeanty Artist & Variant Cover
Serenity: No Power in the ‘Verse is a spin-off from Joss Whedon’s beloved cult classic sci-fi series, Firefly. “No Power in the ‘Verse” takes place a year and a half after the last Serenity comic series, “Leaves on the Wind. For any Joss Whedon fan this is a must read!
Georges Jeanty Website | Georges Jeanty Wikipedia Entry