Caleb Thompson
What will you spend your $25 on? Comics
How long have you been visiting TATE’S? 3 years
How old are you? 20
How do you make a living? Receptionist
If you could do ANYTHING, how would you make a living? Playing Vidya
Do you have any pets? 2 dogs; Annabelle and Brunhilda
Do you have any tattoos? No
What was you favorite toy as a child? — Now? A megazord (the manga defender zord) my old one was stolen so I love nothing.
What is your most bizarre childhood memory? A dog bit me so i bit it back
What is the one thing that irritates you the most? Inconsistency
What is your favorite smell? Lavender
What do you collect? Coke Bottles
What are some of your hobbies? Reading comics, playing Smash & fighting games
What is your Favorite Comic/Manga? Mark Waid Daredevil
What is your Favorite Anime/Cartoon? Kuroko no Basket
What is your Most Favorite Movie? Iron Giant
What is your Favorite Bumper Sticker? Bumper stickers fuckin’suck
What is your Favorite T-Shirt? My really kawaii kirby shirt
What is your Dream Car? Tesla
What superpowers do you wish you possessed? The power to be Spider-man
If you could banish anyone into the sun, who would it be?
Which character on The Simpsons do you identify most with?
Most treasured possession? My friends
Do you have a homepage?
What are your favorite websites?