Gianna (Gigi)
What will you spend your $25 on? Ongoings and probably Sonic cause I’m trash.
How long have you been visiting TATE’S? I used to go to events when I was young but I’ve been consistently going for about a year.
How old are you? 19
How do you make a living? I toss salads & sell video games
If you could do ANYTHING, how would you make a living? Reading comics or manga probably
Do you have any pets? Yes! I have a cat named Koriandir
Do you have any tattoos? No, but I have some planned
What was you favorite toy as a child? — Now? I have a stuffed bulbasaur that I used to and still is my favorite
What is your most bizarre childhood memory? My mom accidentally trying to watch hentai with me
What is the one thing that irritates you the most? People who talk shit on Jason Todd (Nakia)
What is your favorite smell? Vanilla
What do you collect? I want to start collecting bad sonic merch
What are some of your hobbies? Other than reading comics, I watch anime, play video games and practice make-up
What is your Favorite Comic/Manga? Red Hood Lost Days
What is your Favorite Anime/Cartoon? Evangelion
What is your Most Favorite Movie? Heathers
What is your Favorite Bumper Sticker?
What is your Favorite T-Shirt?
What is your Dream Car?
What superpowers do you wish you possessed? Shape shifting defiantly, if multiple also a chaos magic user
If you could banish anyone into the sun, who would it be? Def Nakia cause he keeps talking shit
Which character on The Simpsons do you identify most with?
Most treasured possession? My Buldasaur plush
Do you have a homepage? RedRobinzitz
What are your favorite websites? ebay, twitter, youtube, etc