Wednesday is known as “New Comic Day” all over the world and is the favorite day of the week for die hard comic collectors! You will find all the new titles in the back of our store, we have a wall of just released new comics that are new that week, plus a super long wall of recent comics. It is constantly being updated based on new titles coming in! After a title has served its time on the wall, it will be moved into our extensive back issue collection. You will not be disappointed with our selection!
Call us on Wednesday mornings 954-748-0181 if you want to confirm that we have the specific item you are looking for. If you don’t want to miss a title, consider signing up for our discount subscription service! Your comic subscription list will be pulled weekly and will be there waiting for you when you come in!
This Week’s New Comics
Each week our staff puts together a list of notable comics to make sure you don’t miss out on something special!
February 10, 2021
Amazing Spider-Man #59; Eternals #2; Excalibur #18; King in Black Black Panther #1; Morbius Bond of Blood #1 . Orcs #1; Radiant Black #1; Rorschach #5; Star Wars Darth Vader #10; X-Force #17
February 3, 2021
Amazing Spider-Man #55 Second Print; Chained To The Grave #1; Deep Beyond #1; Fire Power #8; Hellions #9 . Legend of Shang-Chi #1; Maniac of New York #1; Rick and Morty Worlds Apart #1; Specter Inspectors #1; [...]
January 27, 2021
Dune House Atreides #4; Marvel #4; New Mutants #15; Riverdale Presents South Side One Shot; Shang-Chi #5 . Something Is Killing The Children #14; Spawn #314; Star Wars Bounty Hunters #9; Taarna #2; Wolverine #9
January 20, 2021
Byte Sized #2; Crimson Flower #1; I Breathed A Body #1; Maestro War and Pax #1; Seven To eternity #16 . Star Trek Voyager Sevens Reckoning #3; Star Wars Doctor Aphra #7; We Live #4; X-Force #16; [...]
January 13, 2021
Ascencia #1; Captain America #354 Facsimile; Chris Claremont Anniversary Special #1; King in Black Gwenom Vs. Carnage #1; King in Black Planet of Symbioses #1 . King in Black Thunderbolts #1; Origins #3; Serial #1; Star Wars [...]
January 6, 2021
Eternals #1; Future State: Superman of Metropolis #1; Future State The Next Batman #1; Future State Wonder Woman #1; King in Black Return of Valkyries #1 . Last Witch #1; Rise of Ultraman #5; Scout’s Honor #1; [...]
December 30, 2020
Avatar Next Shadow #1; Fearless Dawn Return of Old Number Seven One-Shot; Ghost Rider Annual #1; Jinny Hex Special #1; Kaiju Score #2 . King in Black Iron Man #1; Neil Gaiman Norse Mythology #4; Overwatch Tracer [...]
December 23, 2020
Dune House Atreides #3; Family Tree #10; Jim Henson Labyrinth Masquerade #1; King Size Conan #1; Maestro #5 . Marvel #3; Picture of Everything Else #1; Something is Killing the Children #13; Spawn #313; Transformers Back to [...]
December 16, 2020
Batman #105; Expanse #1; Fantastic Four #27; Immortal Hulk #41; Iron Man #4 . Miskatonic #1; New Mutants #14; Power Rangers #2; Taarna #1; X-Force #15
December 9, 2020
Byte Sized #1; Crossover #2; Heroes at Home #1; King in Black Namor #1; Locke and Key Sandman Hell & Gone #0 . Origins #2; Star Wars #9; Strange Academy #6; Superman Endless Winter Special #1; SWORD [...]
December 2, 2020
Batman #104; Fantastic Four Road Trip #1; Firepower #6; Knock Em Dead #1; Justice League Endless Winter #1 . Knull Marvel Tales #1; Modok Head Games #1; Tales From the Dark Multiverse Wonder Woman War of the [...]
November 25, 2020
Dune House Atreides #2; Kaiju Sore #1; Power Pack #1; Something is Killing the Children #1 LCSD; Spawn #312 . Star Wars Doctor Aphra #6; True Believers King in Black Cat #1; Werewolf By Night #2; X [...]
November 18, 2020
Barbalien Red Planet #1; Batman #103; Dark Interlude #1; Marvel Voices #1 New Printing; Marvel Voices Indigenous People #1 . Sea of Sorrows #1; Spider-Woman #6; Venom #30; Widowmakers Red Guardian #1; X-Force #14
November 11, 2020
Dark Nights Death Metal Infinite Hour Extreme #1; Excalibur #14; Hot Valley Days and Cocaine Nights; Iron Maiden Legacy of the Beast #4; Miskatonic #1 . Power Rangers #1; Punchline #1; Scarenthood #1; We Only Find Them [...]
November 4, 2020
Batman #102; Crossover #1; Fire Power #5; La Diabla #1; Marvel Tales Hellstrom #1 . Mighty Morphin #1; Origins #1; Sweet Tooth The Return #1; US Agent #1; Web of Venom Empyres End #1
October 21, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man #50; Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Song of Glory #1; Batman #101; Dune House Atreides #1; Fantastic Four #25 . Iron Man #2; King Tank Girl #1; Spider-Woman #5; Venom #29; Werewolf by Night #1
October 14, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man #50; Avengers #3; Immortal Hulk #38; Marvel Zombies Resurrection #3; Once and Future #12 . Rorschach #1; True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys National Anthem #1; Vain #1; We Live #1; X of Swords Handbook [...]
October 7, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man #49; Batman #100; DCeased Dead Planet #4; Fire Power #4; Marauders #13 . Marvel Fanfare #10 Facsimile Edition; Neil Gaiman Norse Mythology #1; Snake Eyes Deadgame #2; Star Wars #7; Transformers Back to the Future [...]
September 30, 2020
Goosebumps Secrets of the Swamp #1; Immortal Hulk Threshing Place #1; Marvel Zombies Resurrection #2; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #54; Savage Avengers #12 . Shang Chi #1; Star Wars Doctor Aphra #4; Stranger Things Science Camp #1; [...]
September 23, 2020
Autumnal #1; Doctor Doom #7; Immortal She Hulk 31; Maestro #2; Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn #2 . Spider-Man #4; Star Wars Bounty Hunters #5; Tales of Suspense #39 Facsimile Edition; Unkindness of Ravens #1; X of [...]
September 16, 2020
Amazing Spider-Man Sins of Norman Osborn #1; Big Girls #2; Detective #1027; Fearless Dawn Meets Hellboy One Shot; Heavy #1 . Immortal Hulk #0; Once and Future #11; Star Wars #6; X-Men #12; You Look like Death [...]
September 9, 2020
Bill and Ted are Doomed #1; Dark Nights Death Metal Trinity Crisis #1; Empyre Aftermath Avengers #1; Marauders #12; Rise of Ultraman #1 . Star Wars Bounty Hunters #1 Third Printing: TMNT Ongoing #109; Web of Venom [...]
September 2, 2020
Batman #98; Cable #4; Empyre #6; Fantastic Four #23; Fire Power #3 . Inkblot #1; Lonely Receiver #1; Star Trek Hell’s Mirror One Shot; Strange Adventures #5; We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #1
August 26, 2020
Bliss #2; Hellions #3; Mars Attacks Red Sonja #1; Megaman Fully Charged #1; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #53 . Spider-Man Noir #3; Star Wars Doctor Aphra #3; TMNT Ongoing #108; X-Factor #2; X-Men #11