Wednesday is known as “New Comic Day” all over the world and is the favorite day of the week for die hard comic collectors! You will find all the new titles in the back of our store, we have a wall of just released new comics that are new that week, plus a super long wall of recent comics. It is constantly being updated based on new titles coming in! After a title has served its time on the wall, it will be moved into our extensive back issue collection. You will not be disappointed with our selection!
Call us on Wednesday mornings 954-748-0181 if you want to confirm that we have the specific item you are looking for. If you don’t want to miss a title, consider signing up for our discount subscription service! Your comic subscription list will be pulled weekly and will be there waiting for you when you come in!
This Week’s New Comics
Each week our staff puts together a list of notable comics to make sure you don’t miss out on something special!
September 6, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #33; Batman #137; Birds of Prey #1; Blue Beetle #1; Fire & Ice: welcome To Smallville #1 . Hunt For Skinwalker #1; Poison Ivy #14; Shazam #3; Star Wars Bounty Hunters #37; X-Men #26
August 30, 2023
Action Comics Presents: Doomsday Special #1; Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War - Battle Lines #1; Blade #2; Catwoman Uncovered #1; Death of Venomverse #3 . Giant Size X-Men #1 Facsimile New Printing; MMPR 30th Anniversary Special #1; Moon [...]
August 23, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #300 Facsimile; Batman Beyond Neo Gothic #2; Batman The Brave & The Bold #4; Gunbreed #1; Immortal Thor #1 . Jean Grey #1; Knight Terrors Detective #2; Penguin #2; Realm of X #1; Venom #24 [...]
August 16, 2023
Alpha Flight #1; Cull #1; Dark X-Men #1; Knight Terrors Catoman #2; Knight Terrors Punchline #2 . Knight Terrors Superman #2; Penguin #0; The Vigil #4; Uncanny Avengers #1; What If… Dark Moon Knight #1
August 9, 2023
Avengers #4; Amazing Spider-Man #31; Children of the Vault #1; Duchenne’s Smile One Shot; Gunslinger Spawn #23 . Knight Terrors #3; Knight Terrors Shazam #2; Knight Terrors Green Lantern #2; Miles Morales #9; Spirit World #3
August 2, 2023
Adventures of Superman Jon Kent #6; Astonishing Ice Man #1; Knight Terrors Batman #2; Knight Terrors Black Adam #2; Knight Terrors The Joker #2 . Knight Terrors Poison Ivy #2; Magneto #1; Star Wars Dark Droids #1; [...]
July 26, 2023
Batman Beyond: Neo Gothic #1; Incredible Hulk #2; Knight Terrors #2; Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1; Knight Terrors Detective #1 . Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1; Knight Terrors Titans #1; Poison Ivy Uncovered #1; Ultimate Invasion #2; [...]
July 19, 2023
Batman White Knight Presents Generation Joker #3; Black Panther #2; Blade #1; Blue Beetle #1 Special Edition; Harley Quinn Black, White, and Red #1 . Hawkgirl #1; Knight Terrors Catwoman #1; Knight Terrors Nightwing #2; Knight Terrors [...]
July 12, 2023
Danger Street #7; Fallen Friend #1; Knight Terrors #1; Knight Terrors Green Lantern #1; Knight Terrors Robin #1 . Knight Terrors Shazam #1; Knight Terrors Zatanna #4; Loki #2; Web of Carnage #1; X-Men Days of Future [...]
July 5, 2023
Captain America #750; Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #1; Gene Simmons Dominatrix #1; Knight Terrors Batman #1; Knight Terrors Black Adam #1 . Knight Terrors First Blood #1; Knight Terrors Poison Ivy #1; Knight Terrors Ravager #1; Spawn [...]
June 28, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man Facsimile #122; Batman: The Brave & The Bold #2; Carnage Reigns Omega #1; City Boy #2; Creed #1 . Power Rangers Unlimited: Chinless #1; Predator #4; She-Hulk #14; Silk #2; Thor #35
June 21, 2023
Batman White Knight Presents: Generation Joker #2; Cyborg #2; Cult of Carnage: Misery #2; Edge of Spider-Verse #3; Incredible Hulk #1 . Superman #5; Titans #2; Ultimate invasion #1; The Vigil #2; Wonder Woman #800
June 14, 2023
Amazing Spider-Man #27; Bettie Page #1; Black Panther #1; DC Pride: Through The Years #1; Frank Frazetta’s Mothman #1 . Green Lantern #2; Planet of the Apes #3; Spider-Man: India #1; Static Team-Up: Anansi #1; Void Rivals [...]
June 7, 2023
Deadpool: Badder Blood #1; Flash #800; Joker Uncovered #1; Loki #1; New Talent Showcase: The Milestone Initiative #1 . Peacemaker Tries Hard #2; Poison Ivy #13; Spawn #342; Star Wars Return of the Jedi: The Empire #1; [...]
May 31, 2023
Alien #2; Amazing Spider-Man #26; Carnage #13; DC Pride 2023 #1; Edge of Spider-Verse #2 . Power Girl Special #1; Punisher #12; Savage Strength of Starstorm #1; Spawn Scorched #18; Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #5
May 24, 2023
City Boy #1; Daredevil & Echo #1; Extreme Venomverse #2; Fury #1; Hallow’s Eve #3 . Iron Man Facsimile #1; Static: Shadows of Dakota #4; Storm #1; Tim Drake: Robin #9; Vampirella Vs. Superpowers #1
May 17, 2023
Avengers #1 Facsimile Edition; Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1; Cyborg #1; Danny Ketch Ghost Rider #1; Disney Villains Maleficent #1 . She-Hulk #13; Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #3; Superman #4; Titans #1;The Vigil #1
May 10, 2023
Batman Incorporated #8; Extreme Venomverse #1; Ghostlore #1; Green Lantern #1; I Am Iron Man #3 . Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country Glass House #2; Spawn #341; Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #2; Spirit World #1; Superman: Lost #3 [...]
April 26, 2023
Alien #1; Clobbering’ Time #2; Gargoyles #5; Green Arrow #1; Hulk #14 . Invincible Iron Man #5; Riddler: Year One #4; Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1; Star Wars Darth Vader: Black, White & Red #1; Unstoppable Doom [...]
April 19, 2023
Avengers Assemble : Omega #1; Captain America: Unforgiven #1; Expanse: Dragon Tooth #1; Hellcat #2; Punisher #11 . Red Goblin #3; She-Hulk #12; Star Wars: Yoda #6; Static: Shadows of Dakota #3; Warlock Rebirth #1
April 12, 2023
Captain America: Cold War Alpha #1; Danger Street #5; Frank Frazetta Tales of Science Fantasy #1; Guardians of the Galaxy #1; Predator #2 . Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country - The Glass House #1; Star Wars Return of [...]
April 5, 2023
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2; Batman #134; Batman & Joker Deadly Duo #6; Cosmic Ghost Rider #2; Disney Villains Scar #1 . Hairball #1; Planet of the Apes #1; Rogue & Gambit #2; Scarlet Witch #4; [...]
March 29, 2023
Action Comics #1053; Avengers Beyond #1; Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #2; Clobberin’ Time #1; Harley Quinn #28 . It’s Jeff #1; Rocketman and Rocketgirl One Shot; Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Jabba’s Palace #1; Unstoppable Doom [...]
March 15, 2023
Ancient Enemies The Djinni #1; Bishop: War College #2; Darkwing Duck #3; Gunslinger Spawn #18; Hellcat #1 . Hulk #13; Immoral X-Men #2; Miles Morales Spider-Man #4; Red Goblin #2; Secret Invasion #5